Saturday, January 1, 2011

Start your New Year with KISS!

In my daily work, I constantly try to create a simple training in a simple approach. I have to think on two parameters while working on this notion.

1. Is the concept that I am explaining, simple to understand?
2. Is the ID easy to create and follow in case of future updates?

Sometimes, I get distracted by complex animations and visuals. Thanks to my seniors and peers, I return on right track. Unnecessary animations and elements tend to distract user's attention thereby dragging the learning process.

Here's where the KISS principle comes handy. KISS means Keep It Simple Stupid.

Here's a trick on how to KISS your e-learning :) .

  1. Define your audience. Try to understand their work. This will help you gather examples from their accustomed environment and keep them linked to the learning.
  2. Prepare/ modify the content in order to incorporate examples and elements of their daily work. If you have content already, it is better to flag places where you want to include/ modify content. This will help you remember the inclusions at the time of design.
  3. Design the layout of the screen. Keep in mind that simpler the design, more attractive it is
  4. Check if continuity is maintained. This is important because a learner only remembers one or two previous screens in his/her recent memory. So, ideally a screen should continue from where previous screen.  
However, in certain cases a concept is a bit complex or, has multiple elements to focus. In that case, I usually create a master slide where a learner comes back after completing one part of the concept and before starting another. This helps learner place the nuggets in an arranged manner, creating minimal confusion.

A little bit of practice on the above topics will do the magic.

Happy New Year.

Wish you all a happy and prosperous new year...